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How to Practice Gratitude

By Natalie Murawski

I think the key to happiness starts with being grateful for where we are. Although we may not be exactly where we want to be, it is important to still live in the moment and be grateful for every phase of life we go through. It is easy to lose sight of how great life can be if we are constantly thinking negatively. So, I would like to share my favorite ways to practice gratitude and the benefits of them. I hope this is a reminder to appreciate even the small things that life has to offer us.


30 Days of Gratitude

Currently, I am doing a challenge called 30 Days of Gratitude, which I found on Pinterest. It is an easy way to practice gratitude and it only takes a couple of minutes. Each day has a prompt that asks you to describe something you are appreciative of and why. For example, a few are as simple as asking what your favorite memory or part of your day was. By answering these questions, it forces us to realize that we are lucky enough to reflect on the life we do have, even if it seems so simple.


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Make a Short List Everyday of Things You Are Grateful for

These lists could be as simple as writing, “I am grateful for good friends.” Just acknowledging the small things we are grateful for can play a huge role in our happiness. This will help in focusing on what you have instead of what you lack.


Get a Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal allows you to experience more positive emotions and is something you can look back on. The Five Minute Journal is one of my personal favorites. This also only takes a few minutes each day. In the morning, you write what you are grateful for and your expectations for the day. At the end of your day, you write down highlights of the day and something you learned. Taking time to think about what you want to get out of the day and then reflecting on it is a great way to practice gratitude and mindfulness.


Why Does Gratitude Work?

When you start practicing gratitude, you will see and appreciate things that you didn’t before, which leads to being a happier person. The more we practice gratitude, the more we will have to be thankful for. It is also shown that those who practice gratitude are perceived by others to be nicer, more trustworthy, social, and appreciative. I hope this encourages you to practice gratitude yourself!

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