By Hope Hoehler
Hello fashionistas! My name is Hope Hoehler, a sophomore journalism major, and I am writing to you as the president of College Dress Relief.
I am so excited to start the spring semester with you! As the semester approaches CDR has so many amazing opportunities to look forward to! Some of the super cool things that we have planned are:
• Holding an Earth Day clothing drive
• Working with non-profit organizations such as Yuda Bands and Autumn’s Closet
• Launching social media campaigns
• Design, photography, and writing opportunities
• Career development opportunities
• And many more!
College Dress Relief stands on four key pillars: sustainable fashion, current fashion trends, diversity, and professional development. This semester CDR is focusing on the sustainability pillar, which is where our clothing drive and two non-profit collaborations stem from.
Another awesome thing that CDR does is that we have a bi-weekly fashion column in The Rocket. Writing for the CDR blog and for The Rocket are both fantastic things to put on your resume that will increase your internship and employment opportunities!
If you are not currently a member of CDR, we meet Tuesdays at 12:30 in Eisenberg Room 206. Please come and join the fun - I am so excited to meet all you fellow fashionistas this semester! Thank you for tuning in!
Stay classy. Stay stylish. Stay amazing.
Until next time,
President of CDR, Hope Hoehler