At some point in your life, Demi was probably your choice for #WCW. From first seeing her in Camp Rock, then on Sonny with a Chance. From her choices in fashion to bettering herself as a person, she has blossomed throughout the years. Demi has struggled with mental illness, but still works daily on being herself and loving who she is.
Demi has an edgy style. She wears a lot of black, leather, spikes and studs. She always looks amazing and she definitely knows how to work the red carpet. She is a big fan of the fashion designer, Moschino. Demi has attended fashion shows from Marc Jacobs to London Fashion week. Demi has definitely WOW’d us all with her fashion choices!
Demi is a role model in the fashion world and for mental health issues. She works hard on raising awareness for all types of mental health problems. Society doesn’t talk about these problems enough. It;s good to have someone like her in the spotlight to bring these topics up and to spread a light on them. Her fashion choices have changed throughout the years depending on her confidence at the time. Recently she has been showing more skin and feeling more confident with herself. You can tell she doesn’t feel ashamed of her body anymore. That is one of the greatest factors of being yourself and being you.

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